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Yin Yoga senior client with props

This class is designed to sustain you through all stages in life, especially injury, recovery, aging and longevity so you can do what you love as often as you can.  It is a slow, meditative pace.  Each posture can be adapted to any body. 


Yin yoga is a slow, meditative class. Poses are held for longer and are often supported by props so you can focus on relaxation and letting go. This allows the body to release deep holding patterns and work on the connective tissues that muscles rely on.

Since yin yoga works the body's subtle energy systems, I pair it with energy work called Reiki, which really amplifies the energetic benefits of yoga as it dials up the body's intrinsic capacity to heal.


As an added perk, with a smaller class size we can easily modify the practice to handle most injuries and conditions. Just communicate with me as you come in the door and during class as questions come up. Yin & Reiki is the perfect compliment to the life of a busy mind and an active body.

I currently teach the same class on Mondays noon-1pm @ Prime Sports Institute, Bellingham. Available in-person & online. Book at Prime.


More coming, so sign up for the newsletter, and stay tuned!

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